Inspiring the Quest
for the Highly Improbable
About Us
Improbability Foundation inspires, promotes and supports scientific, educational, sports, arts, and cultural projects that advance our understanding, and accelerate the development of the human brain.
Our Foundation encourages the combination of modern neuroscience with evolutionary, ethnocultural, and artistic approaches in order to reveal the past, generate insights into the present, while laying down the foundation for the future exploration — and expansion — of the potential of the human mind.
Improbability Foundation was registered in April 2022 in the canton of Geneva under the UID CHE-140.238.614 and is administered in cooperation with RelianceTrust Group and UBS Bank.
Movement and Psychedelics Project at the Psychedelics Research Center in Tel Aviv University
First Marine Archeology Expedition for the “Origins of Consciousness” project
Get in touch
© 2022, Improbability Foundation
c/o Reliance Trust Company SA
Rue De-Candolle 19, 1205 Genève, Switzerland
Movement and Psychedelics Project at the Psychedelics Research Center in Tel Aviv University
First Marine Archeology Expedition for the “Origins of Consciousness” project